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Established on January 1st 2023, the PLASSMAT (Plateforme Ligérienne d’Analyse de la Structure et de la Surface des MATériaux) platform brings together and pools the equipment and technical skills of the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (IMN) to meet the needs of researchers and socio-economic players.
The PLASSMAT platform is an entity within IMN. Its governance is ensured jointly by IMN’s management and the platform’s steering committee.
PLASSMAT is structured in the form of an Operational Committee (CoOp) and a Steering Committee (CoPil):
On a day-to-day basis, the platform is coordinated by a coordinating team of two people (a RAP and a management representative), appointed by management and validated by the PLASSMAT Operational Committee.
Would you like to use
PLASSMAT equipment?
On the equipment presentation pages, you’ll find the contact information to know more about terms and rates.
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